Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Physics of the Eyes - 1171 Words

Protections of the eye: The human eye is one of the most important things to a person and thus has many forms of protection. The eyelid protects the eye in three different ways: the eyelashes, the glands, and the movement of the eyelids. The eyelashes are beneficial in keeping dust and debris out of the eye. Touching the lashes will trigger the reflexive blinking mechanism. There are many different glands that are located in the eye. The Zeis gland is a gland that secretes oil. An infection in this gland results in a stye. A second gland, the Meibomian gland, are large oil secreting glands located in the lid of the eye and play a part in producing the oily outer layer of tears. This oily layer prevents the evaporation of tears.†¦show more content†¦* Descernets membrane This layer is simply secretory products from the endothedlium. * the endothedlium The innermost layer of the eye is a single layer of cells that are lined up against Descemets membrane. The quality and quantity of these cells decrease over time and cannot be replaced. When one cell dies, the rest of the cells enlarge to keep the same distance covered. The Iris and Pupil: The most commonly known parts of the eye are the iris and the pupil. The iris is made of connective tissue and muscle that contains a hole in the midst of them. The iris is the part of the eye that is colored, either brown, green, blue, hazel, etc. The color is a result of the amount of pigment that is found in the eye, brown eyes have a lot of pigment, and light eyes, such as blue, have little pigment. The pupil is the hole in the eye that allows light to reach the retina. The pupil widens in a darker room to allow more light in, and narrows when in the light to restrict the amount of light to reach the retina. The pupil is adjusted by the iris muscles. The Lens: The lens is located in front of the iris. It is an elastic body, it stretches and returns to its former place. 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