Friday, August 21, 2020

Media And Baseball :: essays research papers

Media influences everybody and everything; There is no way out. Media is all over the place and encompasses everything. Henry Jenkins and Marshall McLuhan have varying purposes of see with regards to what the importance of media is. The two of them, be that as it may, have their specific ponits which they portray well. Jenkin's discussions about the various sorts of societies that exist, concentrating on mainstream society, in his paper, "What Everybody Should Know About Popular Culture." Mcluhan discusses the ideas of Narcicism and the "Global Village." Both Jenkin's and McLuhan's thoughts can be concentrated on a specific thing, for example, Baseball. That can be further separated and broke down at the group level. The Los Angeles Dodgers have most as of late been the main focus because of the top media inclusion of the group. The group does, be that as it may, have an incredible history. They were initially known as the Brooklyn dodgers until they made a transition to Los Angeles in 1958. They at that point became the Los Angeles Dodgers and their proprietor became Walter O'Malley. He was the proprietor and president for the following twenty years. From that point onward, he passed the group down to his child Peter. This is an incredible case of Jenkin's meaning of People Culture. A significant thing was passed down from age to age of O'Malleys, eventhough the thing was very huge. Consistently, in any case, the Dodgers were a lot of a piece of mainstream society. Baseball was known as "America's Favorite Past-time," and still is. The convention that the O'Malley family had with the Dodgers gone on until 1998, when a major enterprise, the FOX gathering possessed by Rupert Murdoch, assumed control over the group. This was a period of chan! ge, yet some could contend was generally advantageous. Being claimed by the FOX bunch implies there is more media introduction for the group. Since the group is claimed by Rupert Murdoch, McLuhan's thoughts regarding media can be executed. McLuhan's idea of narcicism can unmistakably be seen with the change of the Dodgers from family-possessed to company possessed. The accessibility of huge assets to obtain key players causes the Dodgers to appear narcicistic. Individuals can believe that they love themselves so much, that they will successfully win. Most as of late, Kevin Brown, one of the alliance's top pitchers was marked to a 105 million dollar contract for a long time. This is the greatest agreement in baseball history. This and different aquisitions was assumed to lead the Dodgers to greatness this year. Tragically for Dodgers fans, this didn't occur. The group is 20 games out of the lead position with no way of making post season play. Everything that could possibly be done is think back and start pondering next season.