Friday, February 14, 2020

Each student is required to write-up a six-page proof of concept for a Essay

Each student is required to write-up a six-page proof of concept for a start-up enterprise. Your concept should capitalize on an - Essay Example It also does not use mercury and contributes to reduce climate control costs in comparison with a florescent bulb. With the growing competitions in the business world, smarter investors know what to invest in. Considering this facet, investing in LED energy savings bulb can be regarded as one of the most prospective businesses in Indonesia. Contextually, it is observed that the revenue generated from the global LED lighting market stands at a substantial figure of US$9.46 billion in 2013. It is estimated that the global demand for LED lighting would broadly stay the same for the coming 4 years. However, this steady growth prospect bodes well for the proposed start-up business (Sector Publishing Intelligence Ltd, â€Å"The World Market for LED Lighting†). Indonesia is determined to be amongst one of the leading resource saver countries in the world. Considering the current electric equipment demand, investing capital to start a business of LED bulb in Indonesia can be considere d as beneficial. THESIS STATEMENT This essay will mainly focus on the opportunity for the investors to invest into the LED energy saving bulb business in Indonesia. The essay would also contain a new-start up business concept mainly focusing on establishing a LED light bulb In Indonesia along with determining the value which can be created by the business. DISCUSSION Potential in LED business in Indonesian Electronic Market. Indonesia is considered to be amongst the largest economies in the Southeast Asia. It has registered a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of 6.2% till 2012 and is projected to be above 6% for the coming five years. It has been viewed that during the downfall in the global economy the country was measured to be amongst the top performers in the global context. The vital reasons behind the strong performance emanated from effective performance of number of industries, high domestic demand of goods and services along with rich natural resources. Additionally, it i s also observed that the consumer market of Indonesia is considered to be amid the fastest developing markets, where GDP per capita is US$3500 exceeding many of its neighboring countries. The political condition of the country is determined to be supportive in comparison with other nations especially in the South Asian region of the world. It is worth mentioning that according to an estimation, it is predicted that 60 million people who are considered as low-income Indonesian workers would join the intermediate class of people in the upcoming years, increasing the consumer demand (, â€Å"Doing Business in Indonesia: 2012 Country Commercial Guide for U.S. Companies†). LED light bulbs are observed to be electronic bulbs that utilize semiconductor technology to use electric energy in a more efficient way. It has been viewed that with the increasing technical advancements in every aspect, large organizations are adapting more advanced technologies to develop products b y considering the increasing negative impacts of their operations on the environment. Indonesia is ascertained to be amongst those countries that have been implementing policies and regulations to adapt eco-friendly products as their first priority. It has been viewed that LED lighting products are now available three or more times more effective than compact florescent products and are considered to be the best lighting alternative till date. The LED insurgency in lightning technology is

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Managing under uncertainty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing under uncertainty - Essay Example When she looks at the files concerning the case, she finds that all of them contain medical records giving details of individuals suffering from the same symptoms and conditions. This arouses her suspicions and upon further investigation, she finds that the local energy company has been contaminating the water supply of the client and this has been the cause of all the bad health conditions she has been experiencing (Scharfenaker 20). Erin decided to investigate further and this leads her to the discovery that the presence of chromium in the water supply is responsible for the bad health conditions of many residents living in the same area as her client. To counter this, she convinces these people to go up against the energy company, and in an unprecedented decision, these people are awarded millions of dollars in compensation. This movie is an extremely well made one because it enables those who watch it to explore diverse moral and ethical issues, which would never be normally disc ussed. When making a study of the above film, there are certain people who would look upon it from the position of ethical relativism. This is because of the fact that despite not being a lawyer, and her having no qualification that is related to that profession, Erin Brockovich took it upon herself to represent the people who had been affected by the actions of the energy company. Some would say that it was not her place to take matters into her own hands because despite the fact that she worked at a law firm, she had no qualifications to do so. While she may have won the case for her clients, those opposed to a non-legal person presenting a case in court would say that the best thing that she may have done would have been to hand the case over to one of the lawyers at her firm (Lopate). The fact that she won the case may be considered to have been a fluke, that it was luck, which got her through it, not her professionalism. Since ethical relativism is the viewpoint where morality is dependent on the norms of a culture, which practice it, one would say that Erin might have been right in taking the action that she took. She did what she thought was right and went ahead to defend the people whose health was being placed at risk by those who would otherwise not have thought to take any action by themselves. It is the society which determines whether the actions of individuals is ethically right or wrong, and while some may dispute Erin’s actions as being that of a wannabe lawyer, it is a fact that she did what many lawyers would not have chosen to do, despite its being their duty. She chose to represent and place the case of people who lacked representation in court, hence helping them receive some compensation for the suffering that they had been undergoing. One would therefore say that while it was not her job to represent these people, Erin was ethically bound to do so because she had plenty of knowledge concerning the case, and not to take any action would have been immoral of her. It is the duty of and a requirement for all people working in law firms to maintain the highest standards of ethics when carrying out their duties towards those whom they are concerned with. While doing this, they should always keep in mind that the best interests of their clients are put above